Saturday, May 21, 2011

10 reasons to start a blog

1. You get to possess your own place in the (virtual) world - a .blogspot or .com is much cheaper than a house.
2. It makes you more beautiful. It's your blog, and everyone knows that photoshop is your best friend in blogging.
3. You get a new name. People stop calling you by your real name and start to refer to you as your blog name.
4. Expert status is simply handed to you. About 24 hours after you start your blog everyone will start to refer to you as an "expert".
5. You get free stuff. There are no such things as free dinners, but there are free products, lots of them.
6. You learn a new language. "Once I got the BO for the MPU, the campaign went live and I sent a screen shot to the agency, who were happy with the initial CTR & CPM".
7. You can officially be a part of the Google gang. Almost everything you do is followed by: ‘I wonder how that will affect my google ranking' and when you wake up in the morning your first thought is, ‘I should check to see if google changed the algorithm again."
8. You get a whole new identity. If you wish to confound someone who asks, "What do you do?', say ‘I'm a blogger'. Usually they say, ‘Oh that's interesting' and move on.
9. Wedding invitations start to arrive thick and fast. Every time you takea photo at the wedding, everyone asks, ‘Will that be on your blog?'
10. The 15 minutes of fame. When you are the person that can give people fame, you sort of take on a weird kind of fame yourself.

Published by FRIDAY magazine on 20th May 2011

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